Saturday, November 29, 2008

Numa Numa Eh, Eh, Eh

Get this: TI and Rihanna did a remix of "The Numa Numa Song."

I heard it as I was returning to school. Riding along, staring out the window and daydreaming, I suddenly became aware that a new song was playing on the radio. I listened, perplexed for a moment. That's definitely "The Numa Numa Song"...that's definitely head started spinning with this new information.

When I got back on campus, I Youtubed it and indeed, Rihanna and some guy named TI have released a remix of "The Numa Numa Song." And just when you thought things couldn't get any more strange.

Here's the music video. Please ignore the weird advertisments. Pretty sure somebody video taped this off their TV:

Of course, nothing will ever quite compare to the "original" music video:

Sometimes, life is just deliciously ridiculous.

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