Saturday, April 4, 2009


photo courtesy of The Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science at the Medical University of New Jersey

I may have just given really bad directions to a celebrity.

I was walking out of the dorm, on my way to a coffeeshop, when this kind of junky car pulled up and a guy in the back seat asked me for directions to the union. He was long-haired and strangely polite, speaking to me the way tourists speak to locals when they're trying to be humble. The car was packed with some other guys and a mountain load of stuff. Maintaining proper distance, I gave him some vague directions.

It turns out, I am hopelessly bad at giving directions, always have been. I know where things are, but trying to convey the jumbled map of landmarks (most of which are only significant to me) in my head to somebody else usually ends in disaster. I said something like, "If you take this road around, you'll kind of just run into it. It's by the library...big, square building...does that help at all? *apologetic smile*

"Yeah, that helps a lot. Thank you. Have a good day!" he said.

I walked away a few paces, and then stopped dead in my tracks as I put it all together - the bandishness, needing directions to the union...

"Oh my God," I laughed to myself, realizing that I had possibly just conversed with one of the members of Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin.

Speaking of, on-campus people should go to the concert tonight! It's in the coffeehouse - The Chairs start at 9, Drew Danburry at 9:45 and Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin at 10:45. Awesome? I think so.

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